Sunday, August 17, 2014

And then she changed...


      One event can really change your values,spirituality, your entire perspective on life and what you stand for. I faced many tests but there is one that really stands out the most when I ask how I got this far. Experiencing my own child in danger and being completely powerless as a mother is where I truly was awakened. I know not what organized religion I may be quite yet. (If any) But, I do know I am one of few. (at least here in the USA) Believing in keeping physical purity, treating the body as a temple often causes eyebrows to be raised my way. However, no one knows the severity of what I have had to endure that made me this way. So, really all I care about is that I know, and that I make every effort to continue growing. Now, I love being my own. I'm not mold-able. I'm unwavering,indifferent,selfless,humane,logical, and intuitive. I'm a somewhat castaway,  a gypsy stuck in one place. I am proud of what I believe in. I come off as a lioness hunting her prey sometimes, but, that's only when I feel negatively attacked. I'm a mother protecting her most prized possessions in today's society.  I'm facing my own journey. I'm gracefully walking alone.


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